July 29, 2024

Client Testimonial, Parent of UNC Chapel Hill student ’28

Working with College Essay Whiz, Margery Kashman, was a godsend. She was always very available, willing to work late at night and on weekends. She was knowledgeable, kind and empathetic. Unlike other college counselors I’ve worked with, Mrs. Kashman never imposed her own vision for the right college or a specific view on how to write an essay. She helped my son clarify his own viewpoint and expressed himself in a way that corresponded to what the individual colleges were looking for. She reduced the stress and the workload tremendously. I am forever grateful to Mrs. Kashman for her generous spirit, her laughter, and the insight she brought to editing each essay my son wrote. At the end of the process, my son was proud of what he had written and sure he was giving the colleges an accurate view of who he was. He told me, “Thanks to the process of editing and revising with Mrs. Kashman, I’m a much better writer.” Now he will go off to an excellent college with the confidence and the skills he needs to succeed.

– Parent of UNC Chapel Hill student ’28

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