August 21, 2009

How many schools should I apply to?

This depends on your strategy.  You may wish to apply Early Decision (Some schools have ED I and II), Early Action, Single Choice Early Action, Rolling, or Regular admissions.  It can be a complicated business.  Generally, it is a good idea to have a list of 2 or 3 schools that are “reaches,” 2 – 3 that are “good bets,” and 2 -3 that are pretty much “safe bets.”  If you are applying to one school early, you still will need to fill out and be prepared to send out the rest before you hear from your first choices.  Most students with whom I have worked have had a list of about 10 schools, with some going as high as 20.  Of course, it is essential to choose schools that you would definitely want to attend if you were accepted.  Keep in mind that including your parents in this decision is also essential since they will be able to help you evaluate such concerns as distance and financial needs. (The College Essay Whiz website has a handy “College Preference Form” to help you.  There is also a list of books and websites that will help you to learn about schools all over the country.

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