July 29, 2024

Client Testimonial, Wesleyan ED ’28

Deciding to work with Margery Kashman was the single best decision my family and I made during my college application process. Whenever I had a question about an essay or a college, or just needed some advice, she was extremely quick to respond and was filled with excellent advice and genuine enthusiasm. She eased the pain of the process significantly, a process which most consider to be one of the most stress-inducing times of life. When it comes to the essays themselves, she is as advertised, a whiz. She helped me to develop new and fresh ideas for new essays. I came into working with Mrs. Kashman with my heart set on subject A, and came out on the other side having written an even better essay about subject B. The funny thing about subject B? I didn’t understand it was something I could write an essay about until Mrs. Kashman helped me discover it. She helped me understand that a key to finding a good essay topic is learning where to look, and it’s important to be okay with letting go of certain topics. You might be able to incorporate that topic later on, and in ways you didn’t originally expect. Overall, working with Mrs. Kashman is a definite “yes” from me.

– Wesleyan ED ’28

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